int maxFrameRate = 120; int canvasWidth = 650; int canvasHeight = 800; void setup() { size(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); frameRate(maxFrameRate); } ;

load stepfile into lines array

String lines [] = loadStrings("");

load music file

var audio = new Audio("04 Island.ogg"); audio.preload = "auto";

misc vars

int i = 0; var title = ""; var artist = ""; var scroll = "Down"; boolean showController = true; ellipseMode(CENTER);

[[beat, bpm], [beat, bpm], ...]

var bpms = [[,]];

[[difficulty, line number], [difficulty, line number], ...]

array difficulties = [];

difficulty vars

boolean selectHardest = 1; int selectedDifficulty = 0;

sm file conversion vars

int currentLine = 1; int measureNum = 1; float currentBpm = 0; float secPerNote = 0; int linesProcessed = 0; float currentTime = 0; var notes = [[],[],[],[]]; var lineNotes = []; boolean notesEnd = 0;

note position and display vars

var notePos = [[[]],[[]],[[]],[[]]]; if(scroll == "Down"){ var receptorStart = [[50,620],[150,620],[250,620],[350,620]]; } else { var receptorStart = [[50,180],[150,180],[250,180],[350,180]]; } var receptors = [[],[],[],[]]; float timeRead = 0; float timeInitial = 0; int viewTop = 100; int viewBottom = 700; int noteHeight = 45; float minNoteY = viewTop - noteHeight/2; float maxNoteY = viewBottom + noteHeight/2; var noteLocators = [0,0,0,0]; float minTime = 0; float maxTime = 0; float offset = 0; int millisStart = 0; int millisCurrent = 0;

speed in units of milliseconds per 10 pixels

float speed = 18; float manualOffset = -0.356;

controller visualization vars

int buttonRadius = 20; int buttonHeight = 90; int buttonWidth = 65; int hitRadius = 10; int tlButtonX = 430; int tlButtonY = 0; var hit = [[tlButtonX+buttonWidth/2, tlButtonY+buttonHeight/2],[tlButtonX+buttonWidth/2, tlButtonY+buttonHeight/2]]; float originalDist = 1; var currentNote = [-1,-1]; int nearestNote = [,]; int receptorNum = 0; float nearestDist = 0; float movePercent = 0; float defaultBuffer = 4; float buffer = 0; float reactionDist = 35; int controllerDist = 120; var noteA = [,]; var noteB = [,]; int noteType = 0; float hitX = 0; float hitY = 0; boolean hitDown = false;

second controller visualization vars

float nearestDist2 = 0; var currentNote2 = [-1,-1]; var nearestNote2 = [,]; float originalDist2 = 1; var hit2 = [[tlButtonX+controllerDist+buttonWidth/2, tlButtonY+buttonHeight/2],[tlButtonX+controllerDist+buttonWidth/2, tlButtonY+buttonHeight/2]]; float hitX2 = 0; float hitY2 = 0; float buffer2 = 0; boolean hitDown2 = false;

noteskin vars

var noteAngle = 0; var innerAngle = 45; var noteSize = 65;

function drawArrow

Draws a vector-based arrow


  • arrowAngle must be a float.
    (The angle in degrees that the arrow will be pointing. Right is zero, and increases counterclockwise.)

  • arrowSize must be a float.
    (The height of the arrow in pixels, as well as four times the width of the arrow.)

  • arrowCenter must be an array.
    (The position of the center of the arrow [x,y].)

function drawArrow(arrowAngle, arrowSize, arrowCenter) { var m1 = 0; var m2 = 0; var x1 = 0; var y1 = 0; var Fx = 0; var Fy = 0; var Dx = 0; var Dy = 0; var I1 = 0; var I2 = 0; var arrowWidth = arrowSize/4; var arrowHeight = arrowSize; strokeWeight(1); if((arrowAngle+innerAngle)%90 !== 0 && (arrowAngle+90)%180 !== 0){ arrowAngle += 0.00001; } m1 = (arrowCenter[0] + arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*cos(radians(arrowAngle-90)) - arrowCenter[0] + arrowHeight/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle)))/(arrowCenter[1] - arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*sin(radians(arrowAngle-90)) - arrowCenter[1] - arrowHeight/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle))); m2 = -(arrowCenter[1] + arrowHeight/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle)) + arrowWidth/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle+90)) - arrowCenter[1] + arrowHeight/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle)) - arrowWidth/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle+90)))/(arrowCenter[0] - arrowHeight/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle)) - arrowWidth/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle+90)) - arrowCenter[0] - arrowHeight/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle)) + arrowWidth/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle+90))); Fx = arrowCenter[0] + arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*cos(radians(arrowAngle-90)) - arrowWidth*cos(radians(arrowAngle-innerAngle)); Fy = arrowCenter[1] - arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*sin(radians(arrowAngle-90)) + arrowWidth*sin(radians(arrowAngle-innerAngle)); Dx = arrowCenter[0] - arrowHeight/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle)) - arrowWidth/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle+90)); Dy = arrowCenter[1] + arrowHeight/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle)) + arrowWidth/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle+90)); I1 = Fy + m1*Fx; I2 = Dy + m2*Dx; x1 = (I1 - I2)/(m1 - m2); y1 = -m1*x1 + I1; beginShape();

left base

vertex(arrowCenter[0] - arrowHeight/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle)) + arrowWidth/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle+90)), arrowCenter[1] + arrowHeight/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle)) - arrowWidth/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle+90)));

right base

vertex(arrowCenter[0] - arrowHeight/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle)) - arrowWidth/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle+90)), arrowCenter[1] + arrowHeight/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle)) + arrowWidth/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle+90)));

right inner

vertex(x1, y1);

right arm bottom

vertex(arrowCenter[0] + arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*cos(radians(arrowAngle-90)) - arrowWidth*cos(radians(arrowAngle-innerAngle)), arrowCenter[1] - arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*sin(radians(arrowAngle-90)) + arrowWidth*sin(radians(arrowAngle-innerAngle)));

right arm top

vertex(arrowCenter[0] + arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*cos(radians(arrowAngle-90)), arrowCenter[1] - arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*sin(radians(arrowAngle-90)));


vertex(arrowCenter[0] + arrowHeight/2*cos(radians(arrowAngle)), arrowCenter[1] - arrowHeight/2*sin(radians(arrowAngle)));

left arm top

vertex(arrowCenter[0] - arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*cos(radians(arrowAngle-90)), arrowCenter[1] + arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*sin(radians(arrowAngle-90)));

left arm bottom

vertex(arrowCenter[0] - arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*cos(radians(arrowAngle-90)) - arrowWidth*cos(radians(arrowAngle+innerAngle)), arrowCenter[1] + arrowHeight/2/tan(radians(innerAngle))*sin(radians(arrowAngle-90)) + arrowWidth*sin(radians(arrowAngle+innerAngle)));

left inner

vertex(x1 + arrowWidth*cos(radians(arrowAngle+90)), y1 - arrowWidth*sin(radians(arrowAngle+90))); endShape(CLOSE); };

Module Stepfile conversion

Converts the stepfile into note, timing, and other information


  • lines must be an array.
    (The stepfile (.sm) with each element of the array being a line text from the file.)

Returns an array


- The beats per minute of a section of music and the beat at which that bpm goes into effect, in the form [[beat, bpm], ...] for each change in bpm, with the first bpm being defined at beat 0

and Returns an array


- The list of difficulties available within a stepfile, and the line number in lines[] at which the notes for that difficulty start, in the form [[difficulty, line number], ...].

and Returns an array


- All of the notes contained in a specified difficulty, organized so that notes[0] = the set of notes for receptor 1, and notes[i][j] = the time position relative to the start of the notes (does not factor in offset at this point).)

Begin stepfile conversion

Grab stepfile info: title, artist, offset, bpms

while(lines[i].charAt(0) == "#"){ //console.log(lines[i]); if(lines[i].substring(1,lines[i].indexOf(":")) == "TITLE"){ title = lines[i].substring(lines[i].indexOf(":")+1,lines[i].indexOf(";")); } if(lines[i].substring(1,lines[i].indexOf(":")) == "ARTIST"){ artist = lines[i].substring(lines[i].indexOf(":")+1,lines[i].indexOf(";")); } if(lines[i].substring(1,lines[i].indexOf(":")) == "OFFSET"){ offset = float(lines[i].substring(lines[i].indexOf(":")+1,lines[i].indexOf(";"))); }

assumes bpms are in one line

if(lines[i].substring(1,lines[i].indexOf(":")) == "BPMS"){ var bpmString = lines[i].substring(lines[i].indexOf(":")+1,lines[i].indexOf(";")); var bpmSubstrings = bpmString.split(","); for(j=0;j<bpmSubstrings.length;j++){ bpms[j] = bpmSubstrings[j].split("="); }

convert the array of strings to an array of floats

for(j=0;j<bpms.length;j++){ for(k=0;k<2;k++){ bpms[j][k] = float(bpms[j][k]); } } console.log(bpms); } i++; }

this loop extracts difficulties in the form: ["difficulty", line number where notes start]

do{ while(lines[i] != "#NOTES:" && i < lines.length){ i++; } if(i+3 < lines.length){ i += 3;

encountered bizarre error where difficulties array would simply return "C6" or "C5", fixed after PC restart

append(difficulties,[lines[i].substring(5,lines[i].length-1),i+3]); } } while(i < lines.length);

NOTE: lines array starts counting at zero, therefore values may seem like they are off by one

function getNotes(j){ lineNotes = []; for(i=0; i < lines[j].length; i++){ if(lines[j].charAt(i) == 1){ append(lineNotes, i); } } } if(selectHardest){ selectedDifficulty = difficulties.length - 1; } else {

user prompt to select difficulty goes here

} currentLine = difficulties[selectedDifficulty][1];

begin note conversion loop


count number of notes in a measure

i = currentLine;

assumes #NOTES ends with a semicolon

while(lines[i] != "," && lines[i] != ";"){ i ++; }

check if the notes have finished, if true, this is last loop

if(lines[i] == ";"){ notesEnd = 1; } else { notesEnd = 0; } notesInMeasure = i - currentLine;


get current bpm measureNum is initially 1 assumes bpm starts at the beginning of a measure assumes bpms are in chronological order

i = bpms.length - 1; while(bpms[i][0]/4 > measureNum - 1){ i --; } currentBpm = bpms[i][1];


get seconds per notes

secPerNote = 240 / currentBpm / notesInMeasure;


linesProcessed = 0;

put notes into array with time values

if(currentTime == 0 && linesProcessed == 0){ getNotes(currentLine); if(lineNotes.length != 0){ for(i=0; i < lineNotes.length; i++){ append(notes[lineNotes[i]], 0); } } linesProcessed = 1; currentLine ++; } while(linesProcessed < notesInMeasure){ currentTime += secPerNote; getNotes(currentLine); if(lineNotes.length != 0){ for(i=0; i < lineNotes.length; i++){ append(notes[lineNotes[i]], currentTime); } } linesProcessed ++; currentLine ++; } currentLine ++; measureNum ++;

console.log(linesProcessed + " , " + currentLine + " , " + currentBpm);

} while(notesEnd == 0);

end stepfile conversion

initialize time for display loop

millisStart = millis(); timeInitial = offset + manualOffset; noteLocators.length = notes.length;; void draw() { background(255, 255, 255); fill(0,0,0); text("Title: " + title,0,15); text("Artist: " + artist,0,30); text("Difficulty: " + difficulties[selectedDifficulty][0], 0, 45); text("FPS: " + round(frameRate) + " / " + maxFrameRate, 335, 15); if(audio.ended == false){

Module Display notes and receptors

Converts notes[] timing information into position information and displays it


  • notes must be an array.
    (All of the notes contained in a specified difficulty, organized so that notes[0] = the set of notes for receptor 1, and notes[i][j] = the time position relative to the start of the notes (does not factor in offset at this point).)

Returns an array


- The position of each receptor, where the position of receptor (i+1) is given by receptors[i] = [x,y] (in pixels).

and Returns an array


- The position of each note on screen, in the form notePos[receptorNumber][noteNumber] = [x,y]. Receptor and note number initialize at zero and notes are in ascending chronological order.

and Returns an array


- The position of the earliest note on screen in notes[], or, the array index for each earliest note for each receptor, and noteLocators[receptorNumber] = #)

begin note and receptor display loop

millisCurrent = millis(); timeRead = timeInitial + (millisCurrent - millisStart)/1000; text("Read Time = " + timeRead.toFixed(3) + "s", 0, 60); for(i=0; i < receptors.length; i++){ receptors[i][0] = receptorStart[i][0] + 11*sin(timeRead + i/3.14); receptors[i][1] = receptorStart[i][1]; if(scroll == "Down"){ minTime = timeRead - (minNoteY - receptors[i][1])*speed/10000; maxTime = timeRead - (maxNoteY - receptors[i][1])*speed/10000; } else { maxTime = timeRead + (minNoteY - receptors[i][1])*speed/10000; minTime = timeRead + (maxNoteY - receptors[i][1])*speed/10000; } while(notes[i][noteLocators[i]] < maxTime){ noteLocators[i] ++; } notePos[i].length = 0;

populate note positions

j = noteLocators[i]; while(notes[i][j] <= minTime){ if(scroll == "Down"){ notePos[i].push([receptors[i][0], receptors[i][1] - (notes[i][j] - timeRead)*10000/speed]); } else { notePos[i].push([receptors[i][0], receptors[i][1] + (notes[i][j] - timeRead)*10000/speed]); } j++; }

draw receptors

fill(255,255,255); if(i == 0){ noteAngle = 180; } if(i == 1){ noteAngle = 270; } if(i == 2){ noteAngle = 90; } if(i == 3){ noteAngle = 0; } drawArrow(noteAngle, noteSize, receptors[i]);

draw notes

fill(255,0,0); for(j=0; j < notePos[i].length; j++){ if(i == 0){ noteAngle = 180; } if(i == 1){ noteAngle = 270; } if(i == 2){ noteAngle = 90; } if(i == 3){ noteAngle = 0; } drawArrow(noteAngle, noteSize, notePos[i][j]);

if(scroll == "Down"){ var test = timeRead - (notePos[i][j][1] - receptors[i][1])*speed/10000;

// else {

var test = timeRead + (notePos[i][j][1] - receptors[i][1])*speed/10000;


text(test.toFixed(3), notePos[i][j][0] + 45, notePos[i][j][1] + 5);

} }

Module Controller visualization


  • notePos must be an array.
    (The position of each note on screen, in the form notePos[receptorNumber][noteNumber] = [x,y]. Receptor and note number initialize at zero and notes are in ascending chronological order.)

  • receptors must be an array.
    (The position of each receptor, where the position of receptor (i+1) is given by receptors[i] = [x,y] (in pixels).)

  • noteLocators must be an array.
    (The position of the earliest note on screen in notes[], or, the array index for each earliest note for each receptor, and noteLocators[receptorNumber] = #.)

Returns an array


- The old and new position of the hit circle, where hit[0] = [x_old, y_old] and hit[1] = [x_new, y_new])

begin controller visualization loop

if(scroll == "Down" && showController === true){ fill(255,255,255);

button set 1

arc(tlButtonX,tlButtonY,buttonRadius*2,buttonRadius*2,0,PI); arc(tlButtonX,tlButtonY+buttonHeight,buttonRadius*2,buttonRadius*2,PI,2*PI); arc(tlButtonX+buttonWidth,tlButtonY,buttonRadius*2,buttonRadius*2,0,PI); arc(tlButtonX+buttonWidth,tlButtonY+buttonHeight,buttonRadius*2,buttonRadius*2,PI,2*PI);

button set 2

arc(tlButtonX + controllerDist,tlButtonY,buttonRadius*2,buttonRadius*2,0,PI); arc(tlButtonX + controllerDist,tlButtonY+buttonHeight,buttonRadius*2,buttonRadius*2,PI,2*PI); arc(tlButtonX + controllerDist+buttonWidth,tlButtonY,buttonRadius*2,buttonRadius*2,0,PI); arc(tlButtonX + controllerDist+buttonWidth,tlButtonY+buttonHeight,buttonRadius*2,buttonRadius*2,PI,2*PI); fill(0,0,0); int j = -1; for(i=0; i < notePos[0].length; i++){ if(notePos[0][i][1] > receptors[0][1]){ j = i; } } if(notePos[0].length - 1 > j){ j ++; } else { j = -1; } if(notePos[0].length == 0 || j == -1){ noteA = [-10000, j]; } else { noteA = [notePos[0][j][1] , j + 1]; } int j = -1; for(i=0; i < notePos[1].length; i++){ if(notePos[1][i][1] > receptors[1][1]){ j = i; } } if(notePos[1].length - 1 > j){ j ++; } else { j = -1; } if(notePos[1].length == 0 || j == -1){ noteB = [-10000, j]; } else { noteB = [notePos[1][j][1] , j + 1]; }

if there is no nearest note, do not cause nearest note to update

if(noteA[1] == -1){ noteA = [-100000, currentNote[2]]; } if(noteB[1] == -1){ noteB = [-100000, currentNote[2]]; } if(noteA[0] > noteB[0]){

noteType = 0;

nearestDist = receptors[0][1] - noteA[0]; nearestNote = [0, noteA[1] + noteLocators[0] + 1]; } if(noteB[0] > noteA[0]){

noteType = 1;

nearestDist = receptors[1][1] - noteB[0]; nearestNote = [1, noteB[1] + noteLocators[1] + 1]; } if(noteA[0] == noteB[0]){

noteType = 2;

nearestDist = receptors[0][1] - noteA[0]; nearestNote = [2, noteA[1] + noteLocators[0] + 1]; }

text(nearestNote + " , " + nearestDist.toFixed(3),receptors[0][0]-25,receptors[0][1] + 30); text(nearestDist.toFixed(3),receptors[1][0],receptors[1][1] + 30); text((nearestDist < 5000) + " , " + (currentNote[0] != nearestNote[0]) + " , " + (currentNote[1] != nearestNote[1]), 0, 120); text(currentNote, 0, 135); text(nearestNote, 0, 150);

replace old note with new note when appropriate

if(nearestDist < 5000 && ((currentNote[0] != nearestNote[0]) || (currentNote[1] != nearestNote[1]))){ currentNote[0] = nearestNote[0]; currentNote[1] = nearestNote[1]; originalDist = nearestDist;

do up

if(hitDown == false){ hitDown = true;

old = new

hit[0] = hit[1]; if(currentNote[0] == 0) { hit[1] = [tlButtonX, tlButtonY + buttonRadius + hitRadius]; } if(currentNote[0] == 1) { hit[1] = [tlButtonX + buttonWidth, tlButtonY + buttonRadius + hitRadius]; } if(currentNote[0] == 2) { hit[1] = [tlButtonX + buttonWidth/2, tlButtonY + hitRadius]; }

do down

} else { hitDown = false;

old = new

hit[0] = hit[1]; if(currentNote[0] == 0) { hit[1] = [tlButtonX, tlButtonY + buttonHeight - buttonRadius - hitRadius]; } if(currentNote[0] == 1) { hit[1] = [tlButtonX + buttonWidth, tlButtonY + buttonHeight - buttonRadius - hitRadius]; } if(currentNote[0] == 2) { hit[1] = [tlButtonX + buttonWidth/2, tlButtonY + buttonHeight - hitRadius]; } } }

calculate percent animation

if(nearestDist >= reactionDist ){ buffer = defaultBuffer + originalDist - reactionDist; } if(2*defaultBuffer < originalDist){ movePercent = (originalDist/(originalDist - buffer))*(1-(nearestDist + buffer)/originalDist); } else { movePercent = 1 - nearestDist/originalDist; } if(nearestDist > 5000){ movePercent = 1; } if(movePercent < 0){ hitX = hit[0][0]; hitY = hit[0][1]; } else { hitX = hit[0][0] + movePercent*(hit[1][0] - hit[0][0]); hitY = hit[0][1] + movePercent*(hit[1][1] - hit[0][1]); } fill(0, 0, 0); ellipse(hitX, hitY, hitRadius*2, hitRadius*2); } else { }

controller visualization 2

if(scroll == "Down" && showController === true){ int j = -1; for(i=0; i < notePos[2].length; i++){ if(notePos[2][i][1] > receptors[2][1]){ j = i; } } if(notePos[2].length - 1 > j){ j ++; } else { j = -1; } if(notePos[2].length == 0 || j == -1){ noteA = [-10000, j]; } else { noteA = [notePos[2][j][1] , j + 1]; } int j = -1; for(i=0; i < notePos[3].length; i++){ if(notePos[3][i][1] > receptors[3][1]){ j = i; } } if(notePos[3].length - 1 > j){ j ++; } else { j = -1; } if(notePos[3].length == 0 || j == -1){ noteB = [-10000, j]; } else { noteB = [notePos[3][j][1] , j + 1]; }

if there is no nearest note, do not cause nearest note to update

if(noteA[1] == -1){ noteA = [-100000, currentNote2[2]]; } if(noteB[1] == -1){ noteB = [-100000, currentNote2[2]]; } if(noteA[0] > noteB[0]){ nearestDist2 = receptors[2][1] - noteA[0]; nearestNote2 = [0, noteA[1] + noteLocators[2] + 1]; } if(noteB[0] > noteA[0]){ nearestDist2 = receptors[3][1] - noteB[0]; nearestNote2 = [1, noteB[1] + noteLocators[3] + 1]; } if(noteA[0] == noteB[0]){ nearestDist2 = receptors[2][1] - noteA[0]; nearestNote2 = [2, noteA[1] + noteLocators[2] + 1]; }

replace old note with new note when appropriate

if(nearestDist2 < 5000 && ((currentNote2[0] != nearestNote2[0]) || (currentNote2[1] != nearestNote2[1]))){ currentNote2[0] = nearestNote2[0]; currentNote2[1] = nearestNote2[1]; originalDist2 = nearestDist2;

do up

if(hitDown2 == false){ hitDown2 = true;

old = new

hit2[0] = hit2[1]; if(currentNote2[0] == 0) { hit2[1] = [tlButtonX + controllerDist, tlButtonY + buttonRadius + hitRadius]; } if(currentNote2[0] == 1) { hit2[1] = [tlButtonX + controllerDist + buttonWidth, tlButtonY + buttonRadius + hitRadius]; } if(currentNote2[0] == 2) { hit2[1] = [tlButtonX + controllerDist + buttonWidth/2, tlButtonY + hitRadius]; }

do down

} else { hitDown2 = false;

old = new

hit2[0] = hit2[1]; if(currentNote2[0] == 0) { hit2[1] = [tlButtonX + controllerDist, tlButtonY + buttonHeight - buttonRadius - hitRadius]; } if(currentNote2[0] == 1) { hit2[1] = [tlButtonX + controllerDist + buttonWidth, tlButtonY + buttonHeight - buttonRadius - hitRadius]; } if(currentNote2[0] == 2) { hit2[1] = [tlButtonX + controllerDist + buttonWidth/2, tlButtonY + buttonHeight - hitRadius]; } } }

calculate percent animation

if(nearestDist2 >= reactionDist ){ buffer2 = defaultBuffer + originalDist2 - reactionDist; } if(2*defaultBuffer < originalDist2){ movePercent = (originalDist2/(originalDist2 - buffer2))*(1-(nearestDist2 + buffer2)/originalDist2); } else { movePercent = 1 - nearestDist2/originalDist2; } if(nearestDist2 > 5000){ movePercent = 1; } if(movePercent < 0){ hitX2 = hit2[0][0]; hitY2 = hit2[0][1]; } else { hitX2 = hit2[0][0] + movePercent*(hit2[1][0] - hit2[0][0]); hitY2 = hit2[0][1] + movePercent*(hit2[1][1] - hit2[0][1]); } fill(0, 0, 0); ellipse(hitX2, hitY2, hitRadius*2, hitRadius*2); } else { } } };